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CrossFit Moncton


February 24, 2014


If you're competing in the Games, here are some recommendations for the week leading up to each Friday night.-First of all, you're not going to get stronger or faster the week before a competition. Everything you've done for the last year/few months will determine the outcome. So going heavy and hard the day before the first Open WOD is pointless. Now, you CAN get better at movements that require coordination and skill (doubles, MU) in a very short amount of time.-If your membership allows, WOD on Saturday and Sunday. Half intensity WOD on Monday. Rest Tuesday. Half WOD or active recovery on Wednesday. Rest Thursday. HIT IT FRIDAY!! If not, please make sure you rest at least the day before.-On Game day, don't make drastic changes. Eat what you normally eat. Wear what you normally wear. Warm-up the same. Don't try a new technique your friend told you about.-Pee/poo 20-30 min before your heat. Not during.-Put a lot of priority on sleep and hydration for the next few weeks.-Don't freak out. Tell yourself you are excited (not scared). It's just another workout.-Last thing - have fun!!If you're working out on Friday nights, you should just register for the Games. You're going to be there anyway, so what's the harm?EMOTM for 10 min3 Front Squats1 Split Jerk*70% of best jerk50 Thrusters for time (100/65#)*5 burpees at the start of every minute*12 min cap[caption id="attachment_14072" align="alignnone" width="630"]

BJ signed up for the Games...and so should YOU!

BJ signed up for the Games...and so should YOU![/caption]

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