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CrossFit Moncton


January 16, 2014

Registration is open for the Open

The registration for the Open started yesterday. As of writing this, we have 14 people on our team. Will we break 100 this year??? Register here -> for 10 min1 Strict HSPU + 3 Kipping*Option - 1 Strict Press + 3 Push PressMay increase the weight every 2nd round if you'd like12 minute wave1st minute - 1 Muscle-up2nd minute - 2 Unbroken Muscle-ups3rd minute - 3 Unbroken Muscle-upsEtc.If broken, start your next round over at 1.*Option - 2x pullups/ring rows[caption id="attachment_13200" align="alignnone" width="630"]

Jenna, Alex and Brendan perform goblet squats

Jenna, Alex and Brendan perform goblet squats[/caption]

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