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CrossFit Moncton


April 20, 2013

Slippery Slope

AMRAP in 1 minute3 Burpees6 Mountain Climbers9 OH Lunges (45/25#)Rest 1 minuteAMRAP in 2 minutes3 Burpees6 Mountain Climbers9 OH LungesRest 2 mintesAMRAP in 3 minutes3 Burpees6 Mountain Climbers9 OH LungesRest 2 minutesAMRAP in 2 minutes3 Burpees6 Mountain Climbers9 OH LungesRest 1 minuteAMRAP in 1 minute3 Burpees6 Mountain Climbers9 OH Lunges*Start each round at the beginning.[caption id="attachment_9374" align="alignnone" width="300"]

Heidi keeping track of all her successes in her journal

Heidi keeping track of all her successes in her journal[/caption]

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